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"Every newborn comes into the world looking for someone looking for her."


― Curt Thompson, the Soul of Shame


Felt-Peace is a tool that helps you to experience God's delight in you and listen to your body's felt-senses. 


We were made to experience and feel God's affectionate love for us. Our bodies are precious treasures that help us to draw close to a loving God in a felt way.


God speaks to us through the different felt-senses that we experience in our bodies. We can learn to listen to those felt-senses, emotions, and the stories they hold. Felt-Peace tool aims to accompany you on your path of learning to pray with your body and experience God's loving care through all your senses. All ages will delight in this tender, imaginative tactile tool.


Felt-Peace Kit Includes:

  • Handmade aromatherapy eye pillow. The pillow is filled with flax seeds and dried lavender buds and is hidden in a soft, breathable Japanese cotton sleeve (approx. 4" x 9"), which also makes a handy pocket for a doll, breath prayer cards etc. small treasures.

  • One-of-a-kind handmade Felt-Peace art doll. The doll is filled with natural 100% cotton.

  • Custom designed art print prayer card (5" x 7") with a guided prayer on the backside. 

  • 8 illustrated restorative pose & breath prayer cards. 

Buy Felt-Peace 
Doll + Card
explore more 

Below you can find blog posts that explore various uses for Felt-Peace Kit.


Prayer Practices for Listening to God with Body

This article includes four (child-friendly) prayer guides that help you to listen to the important feelings in your body and your body's felt-senses with God. 
Each of the prayer practices are great companions for Felt-Peace Kit!

Read the article here


Essential Oils and Spiritual Practices

Essential oils can be used to enhance and support your life with God and others. This article includes a prayer practice that invites you to listen to your body and God through your senses. 


Read the article here


Creative Prayer Practice

This art reflection invites you to prayerfully consider your whole life journey, beginning from your early formation. 

Read the article here


Breath Prayer

Breath Prayer is an ancient way of praying that combines a word or a short prayer phrase with the rhythm of your breathing cycle. 

Read the article here


Early Faith Formation and Learning the Language of Prayer

The foundation for faith and the language of prayer are learned in the early childhood. This article explores some of the core elements of prayer: love, trust and being known, and how infants absorb these lessons. 


Read the article here

External resources


Rediscovering the Lost Body-Connection Within Christian Spirituality by Edwin M McMahon and Peter A. Campbell

Praying with Body and Soul: A Way to Intimacy with God by Jane E. Vennard

Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections Between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices That Can Transform Your Life and Relationships by Curt Thompson

The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves by Curt Thompson

The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery by David G. Benner 

Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality by David G. Benner 


Picture Books

The Little Bird Who Found Herself by Edwin M McMahon

When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner 

The Wonder That Is You by Glenys Nellist

Shhh ... God Is in the Silence: A Story for All Ages by Fiona Basile

What Is My Song? by Dennis Linn, Matthew Linn, and Sheila Fabricant Linn

What Does Peace Feel Like? by Vladimir Radunsky

'You Are Special', 'Because I Love You' and 'You Are Mine' by Max Lucado

'Listening to My Body' and 'Listening to my Heart' by Gabi Garcia



BioSpiritual Institute

Listening to My Body worksheets

BioSpiritual Focusing with Children (Exercise)

Focusing with Children


Kaisa Stenberg-Lee

Denver, CO






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