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"What difference would it make to our spiritual practices if we approached life with childlike enthusiasm and made modeling glimpses of God's shalom world our goal?"


— Chiristine Aroney-Sine, 

The Gift of Wonder


Praying Hands explores the connection between the body, mind, and spirit, and how God  draws us close through the senses. It is about nurturing connection, creativity, and calm in our spiritual lives.

The kingdom of God belongs to children and the Childlike ...

You will notice that most of the blog posts related to Praying Hands address children. I use this language to talk about children’s spirituality (the prayer practices are for children) and the theology of childhood (they are for adults too).


By watching children, studying their development and spending time playing, listening, teaching and caring for them, we can learn a great deal about the kingdom of God and our relationship with God. Jesus invites all of us, young and old, to embrace his kingdom like a child – trusting, confident, arms wide open for a loving welcome, and incompetent, needy, hands stretched out for help. ("Unless you change and become like little children…" Matthew 18:3)


God the Father calls us His children and heirs. We are loved, desired, accepted, adopted and blessed. The truest thing about us is that we are God's children.


My hope is that the Praying Hands prayer practices will invite all of us to bring to God our inner-child without caution or pretense, who lightly, playfully and authentically relate to self, others and God.

Join me to nurture your life with God through allowing all your senses to be at the service of your soul.

Little Free Prayer LIbrary

​We would love for you to visit our neighborhood prayer-sharing box! It is a sacred little place to tell God about our hopes, fears, dreams and tears, alone but together with our neighborhood community.

Digital Prayer guides

Explore the growing selection of prayer resources and kits that we enjoy designing. These imaginative sensory tools are made for all ages and foster contemplative posture as a pathway to prayer.

Let's connect
on Instagram

Join me on Instagram and you will find inspiration, book tips, prayer invitations and little snap shots of my life as I seek to practice a life lived in God's love. 

Workshops & Retreats

I (Kaisa) offer guided prayer workshops and retreats for all ages. If you want to hear more about what working with me would look like, please get in touch through the contact form below.

Meet the Creators

Tiina and I (Kaisa) are Finland natives, identical twins, and lifelong prayer companions. We both have worked over a decade in cross-cultural missions, and continue to seek beauty, hope, and peace in the diverse communities where we live and work in.


Creating tangible listening tools connects both to our own spirituality, and to what we believe about the hard-wiring of humans: we are all visual, spiritual, creative, sensing bodily beings who are made for deep connection to ourselves, our Creator, and the whole of creation which we are a part of.

I, Kaisa am the founder and a Spiritual Director at Kutsu Companions. Both my own life with God and my work as a Spiritual Director have inspired me to create tactile contemplative prayer tools that help people of all ages to connect with themselves, God, and others. I write prayer guides and reflections, as well as handcraft tactile listening tools. Learn more about me here.

Tiina is an artist and a Montessori educator in Italy. Currently, she and her husband renovate an old soap factory into a sustainable community house at the foot of the Italian Alps. (Read more about the Up-Cycle House project here.) Tiina has a degree in illustration and her former art projects include animations and illustrations for the Burmese and Thai people groups, documentary on Indian Punjabi, and various media designs for Alpha Italy and other non-profits. You will find Tiina’s warm and playful illustrations in Kutsu Companions resources and around the website (including Kutsu Companions logo). 





Kaisa Stenberg-Lee

Denver, CO


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