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Soul Care 


Engaging the arts prayerfully helps us to develop ways of deeply listening to what is stirring within us.

 â€• Christine Valters Paintner



Make space to listen to your longings and integrate creativity and seasonal rhythms in your spiritual life. 


  • Embodied spiritual practices

  • Contemplative prayer

  • Rest, stillness and silence

  • Space to express your own voice through art & creativity

  • The gift of spiritual friendship


Who are the retreats for?

For those who want to deepen their life with Jesus.










Season retreat



Once a quarter (4 times a year) on Saturday mornings 9am - 11am Mountain Time.


2021 retreat dates are as following:
Winter Retreat: Jan 30th

Spring Retreat: April 24th

Summer Retreat: Aug. 28th

Fall Retreat: Oct. 30th > CANCELLED!



The retreats are hosted online. A Zoom link will be sent to you upon registration. 


Capacity & Cost

Spaces are limited to 10 participants per session. A cost per retreat is $35 per participant (excluding Eventbrite ticketing fees).  


Register to any of the online retreats on Eventbrite via the link here. Your spot is secured once you have paid. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds in the event of cancellation. 


Extended Retreat



Fill out a guest form to inquire about in-person retreat for your group in Denver metro area.



In Denver metro area. The exact location will be announced closer the time. Depending on the spread of Covid-19 at the time, we will meet (partially) outdoors and masks will be required. 


Capacity & Cost

Spaces are limited to 10 participants per retreat. ​A cost of the retreat is $60 per participant and includes light refreshments and art supplies. (Eventbrite ticketing fee will be added at checkout.) 



Register to the season retreats on Eventbrite via the link here. Your spot is secured once you have paid. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds in the event of cancellation. 

in their words

I felt somewhat hesitant at first with all the new faces, but as it continued, experienced it as a safe and nourishing space. I loved that there were people from all over the world and at all different places in their spiritual journeys! Learning to listen with my body was stretching but also accessible. The feedback I received in the “group spiritual direction” time really spoke to where I was and ministered to me. Thanks, Kaisa and Kristi, for facilitating such a rich time! â€• June

The Soul Care Saturday was a very pleasant and refreshing experience to me. The exercises helped me to explore my heart by listening carefully to my body and using all senses. And out of that there is more ability, peace and openness to connect with myself, God and others.
Kaisa and Kristi are able to create a safe environment in which you can 'journey' together with others in a very respectful way. The combination of individual exercises and listening together worked very well for me. I heartily recommend the Soul Care Saturday.
ʉۥ Danielle

I attended Soul Care Saturday online retreat on March 28th. It was a powerful experience for me to experience God in a way I didn’t think would be possible online. In the past I’ve always done in-person retreats. The Zoom format and exercises we did  allowed me to be vulnerable with God, myself and others in a safe and comfortable way. I left knowing myself better and feeling listened to by God and others. It was beautiful!! â€• Nancy

Kaisa and Kristi are caring spiritual directors who created a safe, virtual retreat environment. In our time together I was able to become more aware of how God has been speaking to me through my body ― something I often ignore. â€• Melissa

I originally signed-up for one of these Soul Care Saturdays more as an observer than participant. I had no clue what I was entering into and what an unexpected gift this space would become. I've attended two online retreats and can't express how timely these sacred mornings have been for me. Kaisa and Kristi have curated a really beautiful, safe and inviting space and practice for engaging in yourself, God and one another. I'm always pleasantly surprised by how the time unfolds for me and how God meets me ever so tenderly. Kaisa and Kristi lead the time with grace and intention so you're never left feeling like you don't know what to do. This has become one of the many gifts of this quarantine time, since I've followed Kaisa on social media for awhile and always lamented not being able to attend any of the amazing retreats she leads since I'm not local to Denver. I wasn't sure how group spiritual direction or contemplative practices would translate through online technology without one another's tangible presence, but I must say, it really works! And it is lovely. It is truly soul care. â€• Krystle

Books of interest


Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction by Alice Fryling

Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction by David G. Benner

The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner

Awakening the Creative Spirit: Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Direction by Christine Valters Paintner, Betsey Beckman

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

The Gift of Wonder: Creative Practices for Delighting in God by Christine Aroney-Sine

Praying with Body and Soul: A Way to Intimacy with God by Jane E. Vennard

The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Art by Erwin Raphael McManus



Meet the instructors

Kaisa and Kristi are certified Christian Spiritual Directors. They are passionate about hosting nurturing, creative spaces where God's transforming love can be experienced. 


Arvada, Colorado


Denver, Colorado


Kaisa Stenberg-Lee

Denver, CO






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